Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Home Stretch......

This week I am feeling we are in the Home Stretch on a few things around here!!
*  Landscaping Project = We picked up the last of the decorative mulch - I can't remember how many loads of this we made.....

 We received the very last of the decorative rock and decomposed granite.....
 Brody had to play Iwo Jima for awhile.....
 Then while Gramps supervised us we hauled and hauled rock and mulch into the back yard
 This may not look like a lot, however it took the whole truckload we bought to complete.
 A last minute change in the design was a happy one...even if it took over almost 4 yards of decorative rock....we only have a tiny pile left.
 The decomposed granite is week artificial turn....home stretch!
 We declared a day at the races (even tho poor Steve had to stand 99 percent of the time)....nothing like this thundering herd to pump up your adrenaline....
Every year I change how I pick I tried my new process of hidden meaning.  PaPa as that is what everyone called my dad; ridden by an Adam - no bainer!!! 
 Wine Police - aka - Steve Wilson....he is quick to remind me when I have had my rare 2nd glass of wine....
 Awesome Diamond....yes, because I have one and because it was an Irish horse, I am part Irish and we have a really good friend in Ireland!!!  I can smell the money!!!
 At post time it was like  it was like the winners circle was calling my name.....Home Stretch....hmmmm, Papa finished 4th when I bet him to show, Wine Police was 2nd when I bet to win, Awesome Diamond was 4th when I bet him to place....not my best strategy.
So I turned to things I am much better at - making deals on Craigslist.  Years ago I saw this Old World Globe Bar at a boutique in Palm Springs for $400.00, then I saw it in Palm Desert at a Thrift Store for $180.00.....then I found it on Craig's list for $100.00, but she said I could have it for $70.00!  It was so classy it demanded to ride in the front seat!
 I love the hand painting embellishments....perfect for the family room.....
 It is a bar inside and also hand painted but we are not telling Brody that for a few years....he would commandeer it for stashing stuff!
 Home Stretch on things I can cram in this room!
 Brody told me that Mickey (aka Baby) was falling apart....lost his nose and his neck stuffing was coming out....can you fix it GiGi?  Who could say no to those big brown eyes!
 So while he played quietly (too quietly) in the boys bedroom I stitched away.....I sewed up the neck and made a new nose and sewed that on.
 Brody was amazed that Mickey had a nose again.....
 And flung him over his arm which made me realize how warn his neck was from his constant position in Brody's arm....and that quiet part - well look at the disaster the boys room is in!  Brodified!
 Its also the Home Stretch for  baby duck feeding in the pond next to the house.....we have watched the baby ducks grow all summer....they boys love to feed them!  First there were 8 ducklings, then 7, then 6, 5, 4 and finally just 3 survived - too many coyotes and hawks around.
 I told the boys the next time we come we would not be able to tell which were the babies and which were the adults - The babies won against all the odds!
And that's a winning race of the best kind!

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