My precious Addie has decided to move back to AZ and as much as I am going to miss him and my heart aches of not being able to see him on our Sunday Family Dinners, I am proud of him and Shannie and know that this is a great step in their marriage and for their future. Adam has always loved AZ and he tolerated our move to LA and SD, but his heart is in AZ and he wants his future there. So although the move is not scheduled yet, I knew that our garage was packed full of his toys and memorabilia that I have saved for years. I wanted him to go through it to see if he wanted anything.....he is such a minimalist that he only chose a few small things, but it was so fun to see him go through his time capsule......
We put up 3 tables to sort mostly GI Joe, Star Wars and many little pieces and parts and for the most part he remembered the configuration, but his trusty sister was there with the iPad on research to assist.....just like 'Beaker' (his nickname for her) used to assist the Professor (Adam)....
His beloved Superman cape I made him when he was so little....I think I have a picture I will have to dig up and scan and update the post....
His boots, little pistol, and cowboy belt with his name on the back.....since he did not want that I had to bring that in the house.....
Putting together the GI Joe Compound.....
Star Wars gun.....
R2D2 and hundreds of original Star Wars characters and toys.....
more Star Wars toys....
GI Joe amphibian hydroplane.....
Mickey Mouse Choo Choo he got for his 1st birthday (1-17-78)
So it was a fun trip down memory lane in his time capsule and not only is my garage empty but so is my heart.....
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