Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 ~ New Year ~ New Thoughts.....

I talking to this girl in the mirror.....I'm asking her to change her ways......

I am asking her to live this sign, not just look at it......
I am asking her to add more photos to the travel wall this year......

I am asking her to re-purpose more instead of buying new.....

I am asking her to not spend so much time of paperwork and taxes.....

I am asking her to take him on longer walks and hold him in her lap more.....

I am asking her to get back involved with the 'Save the Lighthouse' campaign that once meant so much to her...

I am asking her to continue to grow spiritually and study more about the Saints like she used to, to forgive her trespasses and those that trespass against her....

I am asking her to spend more quality time with her husband of almost 25 years.....

I am asking her to increase her 'Random Acts of Kindness' that she does

I am asking her to get the bird out of the cage....

....and spread her wings more and learn to soar.....

I am asking her to keep her focus on generations that have passed and those that are growing up....also the importance of moderation.....

I am asking her to get involved with Military support groups she has always wanted to and enjoy Military play more with the little boys in her life....

I am asking her to be more think through choices and decisions....its ok not to jump into things....

I am asking her to be content with her home and quit thinking about changing it all the time...and to part with more than she brings home....

I am asking her to be more grateful that she lives in a sunny beautiful city and has loads of friends....

I am asking her to cherish her family - all of them - more each day.....

.....I'll let you know how she does~

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