Sunday, July 25, 2010

Catching Up....

It has been a kkkkkkrrrrraaaaazzzzzzeeeee week since we got home from Seattle. Got in late Tuesday night and back to work on Wednesday and both Steve and I had incredibly tough days when we returned.

The epitome of the chaos was when I left to get the boys from school on Friday and once I got there I realized I did not have car seats in my car! (Taken out for Seattle, not reinstalled). Thank goodness Kristen was close by and picked them up, I treated to yogurt and she got us settled back in the house before she had to leave. Then around 5 pm as I looked out to see Brody had his hand in a jar of mud my boss called and wanted to go over my 2011 budget numbers - argh!

Steve got home and brought dinner for all of us - our hero!!! After we ate he took the boys out front to play while I ran around the house like a crazy person making beds, getting out pj's getting the boys bath ready, etc. Soon we had them all bathed and cuddled and stories read and into bed they went. I don't think Dylan moved once his head hit the pillow. Steve and I were soon to follow!

Saturday morning Kristen picked up Dylan for bowling and Brody hung out with us. As soon as they returned I dashed to pick up lunch as my cousin from AZ and her daughter and grand kids that are renting a beach house for a few weeks were coming over for a play date. We don't get to see them often and look forward to our annual summer visits. They got a bit turned around with directions and ran a bit late but arrived and we sat outside and enjoyed our lunch (and the fantastic Julian Apple Pie they brought). The kids played in the pool and the outdoor play sink, the fountain, the 'construction site of GiGi Internation Aiport', the play house and inside in the toy room and with the train table. By 2 all the little ones (and the big ones) were tired and headed out. Steve and I fought the good fight at Wal*Mart and Costco to get him ready for his business trip. We came back home and I finished all the laundry and took a nice long hot shower and when I got out Steve said our buddy from Jupiter, Florida was going to come by and see us. He and his family used to live here and we were and are Besties so we were so happy to see him. Steve did get to play golf with him earlier in the week so I was happy to have a few minutes to visit as well. We are planning to go see them in October and talked about boating to the Keys while we are there - at least in October it will be a bit cooler in Florida. After he left we had our dinner at 9 .m. and went to bed! It has been so cool at night we slept really really well. Today I got up at 7 and worked for 3 hours on our bills, my parents bills, the caregivers payroll, etc. Then I ironed for 2 ours and then cleaned out the coat closet (have a huge pile to donate) and my closet. I made a quirky observation....all my summer pjs are pink; all my winter pj's are blue....what does that mean in the universe of control and balance???? I need to find my Magic 8 Ball and find out. I got dressed and am heading out to do a few errands and watch my sweet boys while Kristen goes to see Al's new baby Campbell - he is a whopper weighing in at 9.5 lbs! We had a 'Sprinkle' for Alison a few weeks ago and so happy the baby is here safe and sound!!!

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