Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Fun

I am not 100 percent convinced, however, I think our fall weather might be here to stay.....of course, fall in San Diego is not the same as fall in the just means we may be past fire season where we have dry Santa Ana winds and dry weather that makes you feel like your skin is three sizes too small and you could pop like a kernel of corn!
This was a week of lots of professional appointments, decisions to be made, forms to be completed and action to be taken.....I tried hard to balance it out with some fall fun....
I found these cute towels to wrap up for hostess gifts to take on a few things we have been invited too.....I just love the colors and the prints.....
 Kristen's sweet neighbor and friend went with us to The Barn for a shopping escape....when we picked her up she showed me this quilt her MIL made her and I just went crazy for it....the dogs ears are flaps....thought this was so darn cute.....
 We all found treasurers at The Barn.....Kristen found old blue Ball Jars with lids, her friend found a birdhouse shaped like their family church and some great egg baskets.....
 And I found this crusty old cuckoo clock.....I was looking for a crusty when I found my nice one and did not have the heart to do the project I have in mind on a good working clock....this crusty is just the ticket for my next project....
 We have friends in LA that own a trucking company and friends in Mexico that run a winery....since Steve is a bit better we invited them all for dinner....needless to say we had the best wine ever! 
 I made some Caprese Garlic Bread....
 Steve made a yummy tri tip marinated in teriyaki garlic combo for 48 hours....
 We grilled Romaine, topped with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and grated parmesan reggiano....
 And each course our wine sommelier picked the perfect wine to compliment.....
 Also forgot we had some appetizers so we could talk while Steve BBQ'd the meat....
 I set the table in fall colors with my suede leaf placemats and some glass scatters and my hand blown pumpkin centerpiece...
 Oh, and we had a yummy chocolate cake with fall sprinkles! 
 Rocky finally got groomed this week....we had to wait awhile after his surgery healed....they really trimmed him too short....they did the lion cut but instead of leaving some fur on his legs they shaved them down!
 His friend Bella has been with us a few days....our neighbors went to Vegas and asked us to dog sit....she is a puppy and very sweet.....just not quite potty trained - yikes!
 They get along really well, considering Rocky does not think he is a domesticated animal after all....
 Our other neighbors had a huge Halloween Party....we went as Eve and Wall E
 They really did it up right....full bar with bartender, DJ, loads of decorations....just too dark for my photo's to turn out is my Pina Colada in front of the ghouls table...
 They had a life size figure that was in an electric chair and would light up all over....
 Hard to see but life size zombies and monsters that would jump out and howl....
 Steve and one of the zombies.....I missed getting pictures of all the other decorations, food, details....they did an excellent job!
 And a perfect fall morning to drive down to the lake and walk off the Pina Coladas!

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