Well, as planning goes I admit I expect to accomplish a lot during a week. Sunday is when I make my list by day by accomplishment by task. In my twisted way of thinking by putting most important things on Monday they can slid a bit to Tuesday or even Wednesday but are surely finished by Thursday or Friday.
It's a weird little game I play fool myself with and percentage wise it works out pretty good (admitting your problem is the first step).
However, as the week goes on I usually get a bit lot testy if things are not getting completed....so in my ongoing quest to' lighten up' this week I had an opportunity because...
No matter how I planned....this is what happened!
The coleus plants by my front door are bursting and beautiful!
I was looking through some boxes in the garage and found this....Adam's first Disneyland mug that I got him in 1979 on his first visit....he was and is a huge Mickey Mouse Disneyland Fan!
This will be making a trek to Phoenix soon to go with all his other Disneyana I have saved and given him over the years....
Our Irish royal family came home from the Irish castle they were at for far too long! So happy to have them back!
Our niece and nephew adopted the cutest chocolate lab....Brixton
Our very special friends Paul and Annette celebrated their 50th Anniversary and I put this together for them.....
I packed away all the Easter decorations and put on my new thrifted hand crocheted table cloth....love....
Hard to see but I found the perfect glass compote stand for my coffee table in the living room....
Rocky got his spring/summer cut and looks tinier than ever...he must be at 2 lbs now...have to watch even closer for the hawks and coyotes
So another Sunday rolls around.....do I feel like I took it all in stride and am ok with not accomplishing what was on the list? Truth be told, no....I am restless....so looking to this for inspiration
Throwing away my list from last Sunday that was unfinished and starting over.....there's a lesson (or many) in here somewhere!
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