Monday, February 2, 2015

Feeding My Current Obsessions.....

In my little mind lives many dysfunctions needs and they want to be fed.  I feed my OCD and my anxieties regularly....they have been content....but my old pal, Obsession, has been raging lately. These are the things I am currently obsessing over and how I am feeding them!!!
Obsession:  Ralph Lauren Ad  I have often written about my obsession of Downton Abbey....however, my newest obsession even prior to the show is the Ralph Lauren ad with the blinged out sketch and necklace....
 I love what he creates, however, I am more of a jean girl than see through flowy fabrics  that don't is how I recreated my obsession....blinged gladiator sandals, blinged statement necklace, bling pin that was my grandmothers with same jewel wear so many ways!
Obsession: to my precious cousin, Mary Elizabeth Bunney.....she has opened a world of all worlds for me.  I really have to be careful when I start on the updates of the Wilsons and Auten's as I could spend hours and hours on the site.  I know see the Auten's back to the 1500's in Netherlands and working on those gypsy Wilsons!
Obsession:  Coconut flavor   I am sooooo obsessing on coconut flavors and crave them.  I have tried many, however these two are my current favorite.  I use the sugar free coconut syrup in my morning coffee with 2 percent milk instead of the sugar laden creamer I was using and I love the Chobani coconut yogurt with granola on top.  Satisfying!
 Obsession:  Old alarm clocks.....I am obsessing on the Thrifting front in finding old small alarm clocks....I have a huge project in mind and love it when I score a find on one of these.
Obsession:  Statement Necklaces....long time obsession with statement necklaces....these are just a few I have picked up lately....note:  January is the best month to buy statement necklaces as they are often marked down.
Obsession:  Adam's Obsession....I am oh so obsessed with how The Addie is obsessed with SuperBowl activities and making sure his sweet nephews got a shot out....
 How he got in every shot....
 On every channel....
 On every broadcast.....
 and was not thrown out was amazing....he is amazing.....
 Nice to see him catch up with his buds....
 Joe headed over but got called away by PaPa John to do a commercial! The nerve!
 And also obsessed with these boys that wanted to shout out back to their super bowl uncle!@
Obsession:  Old doilies.....My obsession with old crocheted doilies is well documented.....little orphans that were given up...some by my grandmothers and some by my loving aunties.....
 I decided to take all of them and create a table I carefully laid them out and tried different visions until I came up with this keeper....headed up to get my needle and thread and....
 Came back to find Rocky enjoying my creations!
 While he relaxed, I stitched them together....great opportunity to cover up a stain or a tear...
 And I love the way it turned out!
 I used mostly Ivory ones and love that contrast in my great room.....
Proof obsessions are strong right now....OCD would never cope with this mess!

It's just a matter of time! Oh yes, off to the Thrift Store for more clocks!

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