Sunday, January 4, 2015

Finishing touches before January Hibernation.....

By the time Christmas is over I am twitching to take all the decorations down and get my house back together....I clean every closet and cabinet and drawer and purge and rid things that I did not use all is so cleansing to me to start the year fresh and uncluttered as I really like to hibernate in January.  Hibernation to me is staying home a lot, binge watching on Netflix, reading books I have stockpiled all year, trying to exercise a bit more and of course, eating a little more health.  It takes me almost a week and over the years I have learned to work a little and play a really helps me stay motivated...this week it was easy to play because we had.....
 Here I am speeding down the slopes....not...I was trying to stage by Big Foot sighting for the boys.....
 We were smart lucky enough to head up early to where we turn off to camp which is not far from the house.  We had the fresh fallen stuff all to ourselves and just enough to play and enjoy for a precious few hours.....

 We even went snow tracking......
 After a few hours our little sled path was wearing thin but we enjoyed it.....
 It was so nice to just let the boys wander and enjoy the landscape....

 Dylan of course nailed mommy with a snowball and we all got into the act and that brought many laughs....I snuck off and staged big foot....
 It is so obvious that these pictures make him looks fake...when the boys swear he is real.....
 Something about my camera angle????? They boys were on to me and teased me all the way home, which by the way was a breeze for us, however the traffic into the snow area was backed up for miles and it took some people over 5 hours to drive when it took us 20 minutes.....
 After having my house decorated with some holiday or other since October it was nice to put back my 'normal' things and also add a few finishing touches....I wanted a succulent terrarium....I bought this huge glass bowl at the thrift store for 2.99...the rocks I had from the back yard project....
 I walked down the canyon and picked up some nature pieces to add....
 I first added the rocks for drainage.....
 Then added some potting soil especially for succulents....
 Then a few from my back yard and a couple from Home Depot....
 And added my nature findings and some polished rocks Dylan had given me....done and done.....As my MaMa Auten used to say when we would plant things 'Live or Die'....
 Since the boys have been off school and mommy and daddy have to work we had GiGi and Gramps camp....Brody wanted to ride his bike without training wheels....a couple practice rounds with Gramps guiding....
 ....and he was off and not looking back....and after that lots of hours fun riding....
 Dylan graduated to his 'big bike' with gears....he did great on it.
 More finishing touches....added some fun pieces and a timed LED candle to my lantern on my table in living room....

And added some color coral pieces to pop on the table runner....

 I also added some fishing floats to the centerpiece on the coffee table and painted some of my starfish blue and turquoise to pop and compliment the color scheme....
 I had this pearl encrusted pillow for awhile and thought it might dwarf the chair I wanted to use it in....
 So I ripped out one of the seams.....
 Took out some stuffing and trimmed off about 1/3 of it.....

I then pinned it together and blanket stitched it...

 It turned out nice.....but needed a finishing touch....
 So I added this starfish....just stitched it on....
And the chair we purchased for the living room.....
 Now looks a little more finished.....
 Rocky was feeling well enough to try it out.....
 Poor little guy, he had oral surgery and stayed on my lap for 3 days and nights was like having a newborn again....
 So let the hibernating begin.....
Looking forward to escaping with these and enjoying some down time.....

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