Sunday, December 14, 2014

Finishing Touches......getting ready to enjoy the season!

Once the first major layer of decorating was done last week, it was all about the little finishing touches this week.
Our tree is never complete until Kristen puts the Angel on the top like she has every year since she was a tiny little girl....this year, no exception....but she is so busy we had to wait almost a week until she had time to come over and put it up!
 Months ago when I redid the entry table for Kristen we picked out fabric for a Christmas Runner, backed with a Valentine runner.  We purchased the got busy and I kept looking at it waiting to be put together....this was the week to finish it off!

Loved her choice of vintage Christmas for Christmas and then Eiffel Tower surrounded by hearts for the reversible Valentines day runner.....
 Since her table is long and she wanted a 81 inch length it took some 'siferin' on my part....math is far from my best talent and when fabric has length and width and salvages and patterns it taxes my little brain!
 Once I measured it out and remeasure it out and then measured it out again I cut the pieces and then I stitched them, reversed them, top stitched them and angled the ends.....
 Finished - check!

Since we redecorated the living room our color pallet has to be more white or neutral.  I knew I wanted a little snow scene on the side table so I found this little house at a thrift store when I was in Connecticut in October on our leaf peeping trip.....time to finish the vision!
 I simply painted it white.....then sprinkled clear sparkle glitter over it while the paint was wet....
 I put a white bottle brush tree next to it and also put a little reindeer that belonged to Steve's mom and put kosher salt around the base for snow.....done and done....
 Even our garden seemed to be finishing up....Dylan's peppers are trying to mature just in time for Christmas dinner!
 When we replanted the orchids after our landscaping we held our breath as they are so fussy....however when we went into the backyard earlier in the week we had several beautiful blossoms....our outdoor Christmas decoration!
 And can you really have Christmas finishing touches without snow????  In San Diego ours comes in a can, just add water....
 Dylan was the snow master....
 It had such a fun texture.....even Gramps played with it!
 Let it Snow!!!!!  Even when you are wearing shorts and have palm trees behind you....
 I finally took my handprint turkeys down off the fridge and it needed a finishing touch too!
 We cut circles out of light blue paper...the boys used their fingers to make a snowman and snowflakes falling like a snow globe....
 We let those dry for a few minutes....
 While those dried we traced and cut out snow globe pedestals and glued them on....
Then we painted on buttons, carrot noses, and a red scarf to keep our snowman warm....
 The finished off my blank refrigerator just perfectly.....
 And the time with the boys was priceless....they are extra good lately....could it be because Santa is watching????
Honestly, Sea World has the best Santa in San Diego and it is not over the top....however, they do get their plug in if you look at the blocks on Santa's shelf.....Finishing Rant:  Sea World gets such a bad rap from Peta....don't believe them if you live out of state....Sea World does so much for San Diego and all of our Marine Life and beaches....please keep supporting them and their work!

 So with these finishing touches time to kick back and start to enjoy the season!

Brody has a head start!

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