Sunday, February 9, 2014

Patience is a Virtue....just not my virtue....

My Inspiration for this week:
Life doesn't always go the way you want or plan that it will go. It moves at its own pace, which is usually faster or slower than you would like it to. It moves in its own direction. That's life! You can try to make life move, or you can move in the flow of life.
Some things in life come right on schedule.....I like that.  I am really into planning and structure, organization and resolve.....I am constantly trying to understand and appreciate things that are not true to that form.....I am a work in progress.....There are so so so many things in my life that seem to be dragging on forever with no (or painfully slow) resolve....I just want to get in there and make things control freak tendencies are being put to the test!
February....the month of love and Valentines Day is ALWAYS on the 14th!
It was fun decorating with the happy hearts.....
 Making and delivering some special love treats.....
 Loving on my furry Valentine....
 Enjoying my Vintage Valentines and little collectibles I have had thru the years.....
 And sometimes taking a lump of left over project fabrics not knowing what it will be....
 Pushing my limited sewing skills and lack of making anything straight.....I think my eyes are crooked
 Slowing down and taking a little extra time to piece together the wrong way Chevrons....
 Can even surprise the non visionary me.....
 Another thing I can ALWAYS count on is my precious boys and our fun playtime.....outside...
 ...or inside.....separate....
 ...or together......
 ....and talk about waiting forever for some things....we have had these orchids for 5 years and this is the first year they have bloomed......
The flow of life may be too slow for me sometimes.... but it is teaching me as well

xoxoxoxo  peeps

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