Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Secret Garden.....We love Festivals!

They boys, Steve and I decided to plant a 'secret garden'....Dylan is so into plants and anything to do with digging in the dirt and seeing things grow....he is very into this project.  We are hoping to attract special birds and fairies that will bring gifts for our garden......it is all very secret....sshhhhhhh.....Here we have tomato's, corn, pumpkins (for jack o lanterns!), peppers and a tiny rosebush that we hope the fairies will like.....
It was Dylan's idea to float some roses in the fountain to please the fairies......I don't know about the fairies but this really pleases GiGi!

We had a wonderful visitor....we have never seen a bird like this before in our garden.....it is working!!!! But where are the fairies?

A little shout out to Gramps....his yard is looking good this year!

Our flowers for the victims of Boston bombing are blooming nicely.....

Sadly, after yesterday, we will have to plant more for the tornado victims of Oklahoma.....if you look hard on the wall by the fountain you will see a dome garden with vegetable seeds growing....another Dylan project....

 The boys love to swing from this area and watch for birds and those elusive fairies!
 This is the view from the fairy garden.....close to water and pretty features for our visitors....they must be fast as we can't seem to see one!

Brody loves his little house I bought him at the Thrift Store....he can use his binoculars to spy on the garden and who is visiting!

We took the boys to the first spring festival this past weekend .....we love festivals...fresh air, nice people, walking around and holding hands.....the boys love them too!  We are lucky there is one about every weekend in the summer in San Diego. 

 This one had a wonderful parade!  Fire trucks, clown cars, candy tosses - what else would a little boy want?
 Even the Oscar Mayer Weiner Wagon.....brings back memories for me....would you be surprised if I told you I still had my Oscar Meyer Weiner Whistle....probably not huh?
 This little boys loves his hot dogs, so what a perfect picture is this?

And an old fashioned ring toss.....Dylan won lots of prizes for him and his brother.....it is good to see big brother do for his little brother.....and because they had so many things, we searched for a little boy who had nothing and Dylan gave him a ball and Brody gave him some candy.....

I am reminded that the value of teaching knowledge and wisdom develops courage, strength and discipline to act.

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