Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bonehead Reunion 2012

I have often written about our besties that moved to the West Palm area about 11 years this day we miss them so much.  As couples we did almost everything together and our families grew up together and we made a vow when they left we would meet up each year (alternating trips to E/W coasts or meeting up in places like Savannah, New Orleans, Vegas, etc).  So far we have kept that up and this year our visit was for the Bonehead Reunion (Steve, Scott and a bunch of diving buddies trip to Key West) and us girls opted for the historic Inn at Mt. Dora near Orlando for some shopping, dining, relaxing and gator watching.  This was all planned before the 'transversed universe email' (more on that later)...

We arrived on a Wednesday was the day after the election and we flew thru was a sad day for us as we really wanted Romney to win....we worry so much about this country and what type of life our grandchildren will have in what appears to be moving in a socialistic culture.  We saw an awesome shirt at the airport, Red, White & Blue that said, 'Don't blame me, I voted for Romney' made us smile and accept that there is nothing we can do right now but keep moving forward...there are many paths through the we arrived in West Palm about 6 pm, headed to our friends house and had a non stop catch up evening and ordered in (Chinese) was just like the old days.....

Thursday a.m. we headed out in their boat to the Jupiter was a spectacular by Florida standards, the waterways were empty except for a boat or two and we cruised by Tiger Woods mansion, Alan Jackson's mega mansion, Burt Reynolds, Tony Bennet, Madonna, Greg Norman etc., etc., everyone who is anyone has a place on the Jupiter Inlet.  We decided we are going to be professional poachers as these incredible places are empty 90% of the time.

We love to go by the Square Grouper (where Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson taped the video for 5 o'clock somewhere and bob around the water looking for Manatees.  We had all day to play before the big reunion bbq.

 Square Grouper:
 We ate here at Guantemanos...yum

 A little older, a little wiser and a whole lot more fun
 I had the yummy lobster quesadilla....did not disappoint!
 Then it was off to Costco to pick up the cake.....
 ...and ice down the keg....
 Karen joined us to get the party started....and we did!!!
 Yummy catered BBQ
 Lots of Bonehead stories and even a slide show with some great 80's shots of mullets, OP shorts and tucked in shirts....

Early Friday morning we said goodbye to our Boneheads and they headed South to Key West, us girls headed North to Mt. Dora (after many many stops and distractions....we just went where we wanted to!)  We finally checked in at the Mt. Dora Historic Inn....we felt like we were in a little town in South Carolina (think The Price of Tides) - it was so quaint and comfortable...and haunted....
 It was on this huge lake (Lake Dora) and we had this whole lawn, then a pool, then the beach and dock.

Being an Inn our room was old however comfortable and decorated nice....the only drawback was the bathroom which needed to be renovated and Karen's had a linen issue....we spend our days eating and talking and shopping and gator watching then we would jump in our jammies and watch Hallmark movies and cry.....
 This is our bay window overlooking the pool
After a full day we would take our champagne down to the beach and sit on the Adirondack chairs and talk and hang out, watch the sunsets and visit with the local gator....we solved a lot of problems in these chairs!
 Every sunset seemed more beautiful than the rest...
 Here's our little friend....he was up near the beach and then would cruise around...
 Loved this shot with the chair in the lower left side....

 We spent every day lingering over coffee and shopping in the boutiques....they are spectacular and several times I experienced visual overload (in a good way)
We also liked this spot...'One Flight Up' as it made us feel like we were in New Orleans with the black wrought iron and balconies....
 A little wine....A little Cheese....

This was another favorite....The Windsor Tea was all done like an English tea house with pictures of all the Royal Family...except Camilla which the owner said was by design ;)
 The picture of Shy Di made us all sad
 This was our table by the french door and we soaked up every minute....
This was another great shop however the glare does not do it justice...smelled like lovely soaps and had jewelry and birdcages and so many cute pieces....

 Designer boutiques, antique stores, foo foo shops...this place had it all and one right after another...I wanted to bring all my girlfriends here to share it all with them....
 This was a little French Cafe we also liked....but the hostess was a b&*ch....
 So we toased her to have a better those 'Country Club Pours'
 I had this incredible French Onion Soup
 While listening to this Kenny G wannabe....
 We also found a great Cuban place to eat....Karen had the skirt steak....
 Tracy had the combo plate....
 I had the Grouper....we all loved everything especially the sauces!
We found this awesome shop that had all kinds of sports and holiday things....sadly, no Dodger stuff for The Addie....but I loved this flag:

I love Thanksgiving - it is my fave holiday and hate to see it brushed off or run over by Christmas....oh, they also had these mens funny!
 So after both our getaways we met back up with the guys on Sunday night and swapped stories....and ordered in (Italian)....see the pattern here?

Monday a.m. we headed back to SD, relaxed and happy...until we hit Nashville where we had a 4.5 hr delay and after that it was a grind.  We got home exhausted and then Tuesday I twisted by back and rib....another story for another day.  Needless to say the rest of the week has been all about catching up and getting ready to go again!

Love you besties.....can't wait for our next adventure.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful and Reminded......

No secret that I love the fall and especially THANKSGIVING.....I try to be thankful and grateful daily, however, really use this time of year to be focused on being Thankful and reminded of my many many blessings.....

...also I love to decorate for TG as all the colors are my house colors----so I am not 100% altruistic - I am a joy stealer I guess ;)

These colors make me happy.....seen now around Casa Wilson.....everyone is welcome!

And my Gratitudes and Reminders are in abundance.....

I am reminded:  Family First.....The Addie came to town this weekend and we soaked him up....he is our happiness booster, bestest son & uncle, political pundit, personal techie and just everything is better when he is involved.....

Brody hit a home run for Uncle Adam!
 Dylan gets Game Ball for Uncle Adam!

I am reminded:  Communication is different things to different people...Kristen and Adam communicate in their own way....iPhone, iPad (regular and mini), MAC, Apple TV....they have it proud of these two....I never tell them enough they have exceeded all my hopes for what I wanted them to become as adults....good work ethics, family oriented, community minded, other centered, respectful and caring.....nice to see my hopes and expectations exceeded....not that it was always so promising and we did not go thru some trying times....  ;)

 I am reminded:  Nothing good ever comes without hard work.....Dylan is just learning this....doing homework at GiGi's...D's not a fan of the homework
 I am reminded:  Perseverance   Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.  ~Walter Elliott, The Spiritual Life  
 - Dylan and I race matchbox cars and they inevitably go under the stove...he always applies himself (flashlight and yardstick) and stays with it until he retrieves them....I see this as a very good trait....

 I am reminded:  Love has no limitations....this group of people (and missing Shannie and Brian) make my heart overflow and it is the best feeling in the world.

I am reminded:  Things are not always what they seem....
I walk Rocky early early (think dawn) every a.m.  After Halloween we saw this abandoned toy sword...first day I set it up on the fence thinking maybe someone would claim it...a few days later it was still I thought I would just bring it home for the boys to play with....however, due to the darkness I did not realize it was one of those fake blood swords.  As dawn was breaking I looked down and it was leaking the fake blood liquid....ugh....I could just imagine someone watching me walk little Rocky with a blood dripping sword....911 calls were minutes away I am sure.  So I used the poopy bag (unused!) and put the sword down in it, however, it was a see through clear bag so then it looked like I was carrying evidence....I kind of panicked!  It was getting lighter and lighter....I think about hiding the toy in a bush - however worried that someone would find it and would be freaked out....people are starting to go to their cars and head down the street to start their day...I tried to position the sword where the blood would not show and hoped that no one would walk by me....funny now, but not so funny then!  Just them my super hero (Steve) drove by me in his truck on his way to work.  I waved him over and he had a home depot bag so I stuck that in there and high tailed it home! 
 I am reminded:  You only need a serving heart of grace - MLK
Dylan is serving some yummy pumpkin pie to goal as his GiGi is to teach him to serve others first and foremost before he serves himself...he is a great student!  Look at that smile!

 I am reminded:  Life is full of choices .... Steve's birthday was this week and I LOVE to take the boys shopping to buy gifts for others.  Brody hands down is amazingly quick and decisive...he knows what he wants to give and makes the decision usually has to do with a flashlight, or a book light or a headlight and then throw in a wrist watch for the shopper  ;) 

Dylan is the opposite....he checks everything out, considers all options and is very focused, chooses, re-chooses and then thinks about what he choose and may or may not change it.  We spent 1.5 hrs in the sporting goods dept and he told me about every lure, every fish, every weight, bait and rod and reel.  There was an older couple that stood there and watched him for 15 minutes....he was/is equally amazing. 

I am reminded:  There is no one way to be a perfect mother, however there are a million ways to be a good mother  It was so fun to make Adam his taco dinner....with lots of his favorites - cheesy tacos....this is just one of several plates - I think I made enough to feed the army of God and Al Roker....

I am reminded:  It never hurts to have some strong Cowboy Banditos to have your back

Cosby and Benson - Halloween 2012 - my GrandDogs!

I am reminded: Sometimes when you think things are falling apart they are actually falling into place.

Have a great week everyone....I am THANKFUL for your friendship!  I have had some trying times this week....some tough decisions...and your support is priceless!