Sunday, December 30, 2012

December Wrap Up - A little Flaky

Sorry, blog....I have been a little flaky this was a blurr and I could barely keep up mentally and physically, let alone the written is a little catch up before the New Year and a new resolution begins.....

Speaking of flaky....Kristen was in charge of having Dylan's classroom make snowflakes for all the kids in Newtown to decorate their classrooms for back to school.....many of these unique beauties are in Newtown now being hung to welcome back the sweet innocents from our sweet a side note, a friend of ours had a kindergartner at Shady Hook who is traumatized by the events and his emails are heartbreaking.....I know these flakes are a little gesture, however, sometimes that is the best we can do is share the love....

 In 1989 when we moved here Steve and I sponsored a neighborhood Christmas get together in our is a picture of all of us in 1989.  Every year since we have managed to get together....some have moved on...but most of us originals make a date in December to meet and catch up (all of our kids grew up together in the cul de sac), enjoy some food and drink, have our ladies ornament exchange and the men's white elephant exchange which always is fun to watch....That is me seated in the lower left with Steve sitting on the floor and my arms around his neck....
 It was our turn to host this year and a shout out to Steve for hiring a tile guy to put up our backsplash in time for the party.....look beyond the wine glasses and you can see it in the turned out so nice and gave my tiny kitchen a little face lift!
 The dessert table before I added more....but kept it in the dining room away from the main serving area....this worked well....
 My seashell garland all lit up....I always forget how much I love this and enjoy it....
 I blew up a couple of pictures of us in 1989 and put it on the door and everyone got a kick out of looking at it.....(we all passed around our reading glasses to get a good look!)
 We all ate in the family room.....look at little Rocky looking for a handout!
 We did our gift exchange in the living room....ladies first of course!
 We play the stealing game.....but no one is a loser as these ladies really can pick out awesome ornaments that we all love!
Rocky, me, Gary and Jenny watch the mens exchange.....
 Gary scored on a camo snuggie....then Tony stole it!
 The day after the party The Addie, Shannie and the dogs rolled in for a quick visit.  They spent hours wrapping all the packages Amazon delivered and delivered for weeks and weeks....I don't think they even stepped in a brick and mortar to buy anything....they are all about technology....
 It was fun to watch Brody and Dylan scope out the goods as the packages grew day by day until we all get together Christmas Eve....
 Every year I have a is always a surprise until Christmas Even when I reveal....this year....we were Snowflakes!!!
 Dear Santa....I have been very good this year.....please bring me a dog....
 Steve did an awesome job on the was picture perfect and tasted even better!
 Brian had to work until 7 so we made him a plate  ;)  We love Brian so we heaped it on.
 Sportin the flakes.....
 Brody not so much of a fan at this point....he warmed up later...
 So many special moments of the night....this one where Dylan wrapped my gift and put my name on touching.....
 Checking out the Batman with bat wings that pop out....
 Uncle Adam and Aunt Shannie score on gift giving....Dylan loved this hooded sweatshirt....
 Handmade for GiGi....and I love it!
 I made this for you Gramps!
 A big hit was the American Pickers tshirts from sweet cousin Biz....these boys love the program and insisted on putting the shirts on right away!  A little big but he is a growing boy!
 GiGi - we love our target practice guns and targets!
 Dylan gives me a handmade Christmas plate (love)
 Another score from Uncle Addie and Shannie....Monsters Ink sweatshirt for Brody
My pretty snowflake and her hubby....
 Dylan loved the plane we got is huge....some Military Transport with a 3' wingspan!  It flew around all night...thank goodness this went home with him!
 Helping Brody open his Bat Cave we gave him....
 Dessert Time:  Boys tackle their Gingerbread houses....
 I made Peppermint Ice Cream Pies with cookie dough crust.....
 A few shots out of order.....always love the Santa and Reindeer at Balboa Park....
 Best Christmas gift ever - having Addie and Shannie with us....
 Dylan helped me with the snowflake decor over the dining room table....this is before finished but I loved it that he made a snowflake to add to mine!

 Lady Snowflakes!
It was a wonderful Christmas.....and spending the weekend catching up on all things financial...The Grinch (IRS Income Tax) is waiting in the wings and I like things neat and tidy at the end of the year.....I resolve not to be so Flaky in my blog postings next year!

Happy 2013!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December This and That.....

Some December This and That's....

It's back....yes, my insomnia has made a roaring re-entry....after 2 hours of restlessness I finally decide to get up and do something, which is exactly what you are not suppose to do....yup, that's me...rule breaker....
 Not a fan of Windows 8.....helping to install a new PC and my patience with this new MS offering goes out the window (no pun intended) surprise Apple is rockin the world.....
 Devastated over the horror of Sandy Hook Elementary and those innocents who paid the price of a sick individual....God Bless those teachers and administrators who saved so many lives....sick of CCN turning this into a gun control issue....yes, discussions should be made on many fronts, but don't disrespect the honor of these fallen victims for your liberal press reporting.
 So happy I could go see my sweet Angel Friend Janice last week.  We have known and worked together for over 20 years!  She has some health challenges and she knows she is always in my heart and prayers, even tho I don't get to visit as much as I want.  She is my sister friend.  Loved that Annette could go with me also!  You can't see on this photo but there are 3 cups of coffee spilled on my sweater....I was one sticky mess.
 My precious boys and their Santa photo other words necessary....
 Our Christmas photo for 2012....hard to see that the boys have us all tied up in a string of Christmas brothers beautiful backyard is our backdrop....4 dogs with us in pic...
 48 hours away from our huge Christmas party hosted here and this is what my kitchen looks like.....
 2 months ago we hired a guy to install a glass backsplash....he kept delaying and delaying and finally Steve hired another guy who came last night to install and had the wrong saw :(   he is suppose to come back tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. to complete the job (don't hold your breath)
 I had my Christmas letters and cards all ready to go and on the table.....Steve accidently spilled a bottle of water and soaked the they had to be reprinted which means I had to go find more Christmas stationary (not happy with second choice)....days later he printed them and corrected my Illinois abbreviation to say 'In All'.....I surrender to sending a letter with errors.....
 Annette and I managed to spill 4 cups of Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Skinny.....3 I fell on, 1 she dropped....there must be a lesson in this I am not learning....
 She's baaaaacccckkkk....yes Crazy furniture lady has once again visited me in my multiple personalities....I could not resist this beauty for $2.50!  Of course, Steve has to paint it white and I will distress it...then move it into the guest room and then move a dresser from the guest room upstairs then sell my vintage get the drill....
 Something possessed me to cook spaghetti squash again, after swearing off of it for the intense labor.  I tried the microwave directions and it was a bit easier...still a lot of work.
 Went to a nice brunch at a ladies house from church....yes, her lovely home has 12 bathrooms and I am not sure how many bedrooms, a private full court basketball court building, a guest house, a pool house and everything is perfection and in place....she is a wonderful person and so generous to share and host....just a few shots of her humble abode....she had 65 Santa's on display....this is part of the entry way....
 Another shot of entry way with me in the mirror....wore my hair up, still have not made my Locks of Love appt....every day is busier than the rest....
 Looking into her Living Room.....all done in golds...
 Christmas village downstairs.....
 Wine room has it's own Christmas tree....I told her this would be the perfect panic room....
 She did a little alcove as a phone works! 
 Her Master Bathroom.....larger than my Master bedroom.....
 Dressing area between the his and hers huge walk in closets....
 Other side of the bathroom

 She had this on her serving bar in her 'big' kitchen....this Santa was about 4' cute

 Our weekly art project for Friday sleep over was making snowflakes.....simple however perfect....

 Now GiGi....fold them really straight....
 Just for you two alike!
 Little Bro gets into the act....
 For your fridge GiGi!
 Gramps and Dylan read a bedtime story aka fishing lure magazine.....
 I finished off my employee ornaments...for 17 years I have given my employees an ornament every year....this year they were ones I got in Prague and then I embellished them with red and green glass beads....did not photograph well...but blingy!

No wonder I have insomnia!  

Looking forward to next week when The Addie, Shannie and crew roll in.