I am often amazed at how things happen in life....it is entertaining, surprising, strange and magical all at the same time.....I have a random non-documented 'Bucket List'....and it is fun to achieve things and most of them are so random they would be almost impossible to accomplish them without perfect star alignment, but it is my list non-the-less.
One item that has been on there for a long time is to serve as a juror in a murder trial. About 2 - 3 years ago I was on a panel for a gang murder trial for 3 days and then excused by the defense on the 3rd day. I have to say, I was not disappointed and kind of put my bucket list item in a 'rethinking' status.
Fast forward to 11/7/11. Steve and I had both received jury summons. In CA you go for '1 day, 1 trial'. I was not to report until 11/18 and Steve on 11/8 however, with our upcoming international travel and TG plans we decided we would both go on 11/7 and be excused. We rode together and parked downtown and walked to the courthouse. At the standard announcements they mentioned they were polling for a 3 week criminal murder trial and if you wanted to be excused, to complete a certain section, which we did. Then after a bit they called us to the jury commissioner and when he reviewed our sections only one of us could claim work financial hardship and since Steve was preparing for a huge project he claimed it. I then claimed that we had prepaid travel and he said if chosen I would be completed prior to that travel. No problem, I thought, I will not be chosen as I did not think I fit the model of a juror for a murder trial (based on my earlier experience). A few hours pass and Steve and I were dismissed for lunch and went to eat and shopped a bit which was nice and back to the jury room for the afternoon. Next call and I was to report (with 64 others) to criminal court for selection. Off I went and in the random computer poll I was in the first 12 called to the jury box. All the obvious questions and discovery and then interviewed back and forth by the prosecution and defense attorneys. I was then called back for day 2 and was lucky enough to get a ride downtown with Shannie and Adam. Day two passed with more discovery questions and interviews and finally at 4:30 p.m. they swore us in as a Jury and I was Juror #9. Opening statement were Wednesday a.m. and every day full of witnesses (almost 40) and evidence (over 160 pieces). For some of the details you can read about it here:
however, this small article does nothing to refer to the intensity, the roller coaster, the emotions and the composure it took for this trial. I am still digesting it all...and these are some of my thoughts:
- I am really grateful for the opportunity, however on day 3 I was really questioning myself if I had the moxy to complete the task.
- I truly accepted the fact that the suspect was 'innocent until proven guilty' and it was overwhelming to me that he was, however, I was one of 12!
- I really did not think the diversity of our jury would be able to agree on all charges, however we were unanimous on ALL charges on all counts.
- There were two *uh-oh* moments for the prosecution that could have really been a show-stoppers; however they recovered with composure and grace (taser flash door; keys)
- In the jury room I was unnerved at some of the comments and attitudes - 'let's not vote tonight - I don't want to go to work tomorrow' (UGH!); 'Let's wear our Charger jerseys when we give the verdict' (OK - I had to speak up on this one and remind them the family of the victim would be present and this is a very serious moment for them. 'Let's ask for a read back just to show we are working' (UGH! - Altho one juror did think she heard more about cash and none of the rest of us did.....and she admitted the read back would not change her vote. I am really thinking of sending an email to the DA just to share the comments and approaches....not sure yet. Maybe it is just me and I am way too serious over things.
- Felt so sorry for the family from the UK and the friend who insisted the circumstances were suspicious (they were ready to cremate him and would have lost the evidence of taser and strangulation - the accused almost went free!).....further confirmation that friends and family are the best things in life we have.
- That I am so grateful I don't work downtown and have to wear suits and high heels all day.
- The 'receiving' line after the trial where the attorneys, family and friends thanked us, tearfully, emotionally. The family gave me this button of John.
- That Murder Movies and TV shows can never compare with real life drama
- That this UK millionaire man lived simply and humbly and cared about the future of entrepreneurs in the US.
- That I think I have become and *expert* at Tasers!
- The press rushing in at the last minute, camera and crew - almost like a comedy routine.
- It was so very nice to car pool with Adam and Shannie and spend some time with them.
- I was so proud that I did not disclose any details of the trial to anyone!
- It was so cool to see the Secret Service and listen to their expertise!
- That I know this experience will change me forever for sure.