I have been saving special cards for years in a tupperware container under my bed. I just can't part with these and feel that they are not appreciated in a box under my bed so I finally came up with an idea to organize them with....

Here is a basket full and I am still not done! Had to take a break to watch the boys Friday night and take them to soccer Saturday, so some errands and help Kristen with her H'ween party last night and plan Steve's bday dinner tonight here....moved our bedroom furniture to the fall configuration and dusted and cleaned, did laundry and ran some errands.
I think when I have them all punched and in clips I may go back thru and sort some by categories. When I have the finals then I will put them in my office and leaf thru them from time to time. I even think this is a great idea to take to nursing homes (as long as the cards do not contain anything personal). I found several birthday cards from Steve's mom and dad to him (they passed away years ago) so I tucked those inside his gift bags for a special treat.