My dad was born in Daylight Tennessee on March 1, 1920....he grew up in the south on a beautiful farm and went to serve his country at a very young age during is a picture from a move film clip of him arriving in the
Philippines with General
MacArthur...he was in a different ship and they held his ship for a long time to make sure
MacArthur could land first (10/20/1944) and the USO was there to greet the soldiers...this is one of many theatres my dad served in during the War....

This year my dad is not doing so good so my brother and I flew up to my mom and dads and also where my sister lives so we could share the day with him and as a family

A couple of the days my dad was able to get up and join us at the table for dinner....just us original 5....we told great stories and named our favorite meals and dad kept us laughing with all the witty remarks he always makes....I was happy when Steve and Rocky joined us mid trip

My mom and her sweet dog Mitzi doing some crafts I got her busy with...Mitzi is a
Mommy's girl lap dog for sure

Dad in his chair reading a card from Kristen and the boys.....
It was a wonderful and
devastating trip all at the same time....bitter bitter bitter sweet